Wednesday, March 28, 2012

March 28, 2012 Bikini BootKick

Warm Up:
Jog on the spot
Criss Cross Squats
Jog on the Spot
Jumping Jacks
Jog on the Spot
Forward Bends
Jog on the Spot
Side Lung
Jog on the Spot at double time

1 minute on, 30 seconds rest
3x mountain climbers (or stability ball leg and arm lifts)
3 x v-sit hold
3x jack knife sit up
3 x burpies (or slider adductors)
3x plank

1 minute on, 30 seconds rest
3 x push ups
3 x reverse lunge, alternating feet (or stability ball hamstring curls)
3 x squats (or stability ball seated leg raises)
3 x sit ups
3 x supermans

1 minute on, 30 seconds rest
3 x Flutter Kicks
3 x Crunches
3 x Cross Overs
3 x High Knees on the spot (or stability ball adductor and abductor lifts)
3 x side bridge

Challenge exercise: side bridge from knee with crunch (or from feet)

Bikini Bootkick from February 29th

Warm Up:
Jog on the spot
Criss Cross Squats
Jog on the Spot
Jumping Jacks
Jog on the Spot
Forward Bends
Jog on the Spot
Side Lung
Jog on the Spot at double time

Set 1 (45 seconds of each x2):
Wide Arm Mountain Clibers
Right Hand Forward Push Ups
Left Hand Forward Push Ups
Sit Ups with Foot position Shifts

Set 2 (45 seconds of each x2):
Prone (plank) position squats
Wide Feet burpies
Twisting Supermans
Reverse Crunch Hold
V-Sit Hold with foot circles

Set 3 (45 seconds of each x2):
Reverse lunge with kick hands up
10 tuck jumps if you can, otherwise run on the spot
Sit up hold with flutter arms
Push Ups
Sit Up Hold with side reaches

Set 4, Repeat this set 3 times with no break:
1 minute of plank
1 minute of supermans
1 minute of Jack Knife Sit Ups

March 26th, Endurance Weight Training Program

ARMS: Free weights: 3 sets of each we will do 1 set of 25 with light weight, 1 set of 20 with medium weight and 1 set of 12 with a heavier weight
o Chest Press
o Shoulder Press
o Bicep Curls
o Lying Tricep Extensions
o Stability Ball Cable Machine Row

LEGS: Stability Ball Circuit – do each ball exercise 20 times and then complete the cardio for 2 minutes
o Stability Ball Hamstring Curls
o Squat to Stability Ball with Heavier weights
o Step Ups onto Bench
o Stability Ball Quadriceps Roll Out OR Stability Ball Leg Extensions
o Stability Ball Leg Lifts (plank position for Dianne)
o Side Squats on Bosu or Bench
o Stability Ball Adductor Lift
o Stability Ball Abductor Lift
o Step Up Jacks

ABS: Complete 2 sets of 20 and do these extra times at home
o Crunches
o Reverse Crunches
o Bicycles
o Toe Touches
o Plank
o Side Bridge

Game Of Cards

The game of Card's Bikini BootKick Workout:

Set One:
Hearts= burpies
Spades= push ups
Diamonds= sit ups
Clubs= Leg Circles

Set Two:
Hearts= squats
Spades= allen wells
Diamonds= glute bridge with weight lift
Clubs= oblique weighted sit ups

Set Three:
Hearts= mountain climbers
Spades= reverse crunch
Diamonds= lunges
Clubs= plank

Set Four:
Hearts= wide squats
Spades= side plank raises
Diamonds= single leg push ups
Clubs= V-Sit Crunches

This week's Challenge, instead of using cards,complete each set by preforming 10 reps of each exercise, count how many times you can get through each set in 15 minutes, completing all four sets this way will lead to a killer one hour workout!! Remember always work at your own level!

Monday, March 26, 2012

TRX and Stability Ball Circuit!

On the TRX, 3 sets of 12:
Squats or Squat Jumps
Push Ups

With the Stability Ball, 3 sets of 12:
Stability Ball Adductor Pass
Stability Ball Ab Roll Outs
Stability Ball Reverse Crunch/Toe Touch Combination

On the TRX, 3 sets of 12:
Reverse Lunges
Tricep Extensions
Shoulder "y"

With the Stability Ball, 3 sets of 12:
Stability Ball Abductore Lift (12 per side)
Stability Ball Sit Ups
Stability Ball Fast Feet and Drible

With the TRX, 3 sets of 12:
Hamstring Curls
Plank Position- Open and close feet
Plank Position-Mountain Climbers

With the Stability Ball
Crunches with your feet on the ball, kness at 90 degress
Superman with Ball Lift
Plank for 1 minute

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Bikini BootKICK February 22 and 23, 2011

For this workout you will require a step box and risers.

Warm Up:
-Step up with squat
-Step up with bum kick
-Step, step, touch
-squat and reach

Repeat the following circuits x2 for each

45 seconds of each of the following:
side squats
walk over planks
get down/go down/get up
superman reach
v-sit crunch

Straddle Step (30 seconds/foot)
10 Reverse Lunges of the box on each foot
45 seconds of:
Plank hands on box, foot out and up to the right
Reverse push ups
Plank hands on box, foot out and up to the left

10 push ups with leg lifts
10 in and out burpies (with gliders if needed)
45 seconds of each of the following:
Roman twist riser stack
Bicycle twisting crunch
Flutter Kick/Cross over combination (v-sit position, support on elbos if needed)

45 seconds of each of the following:
Wide to Narrow Squat step or jump (sore knees, wide only)
Lateral Jumps or step
Jack Knife Sit Ups
Reverse Crunch Hold

30 seconds of side plank on each side

Challenge Exercise: sit on stability ball, feet in air and chat with a partner.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Bikini BootKICK - Valentine's Week

* modifications for sore knees are listed in brackets beside exercise*

Warm Up:
Shuffle Touch
Jumping Jacks
Around the World

Cross Over Squats (20 per side)
Criss-Cross Jumping Jacks (Touch Jacks)(30)
45 seconds of:
Sit Ups
L-Sit weight plate Pass
Russian Twist with Press

Reverse Lunge with Kick (gliders) (12 per side)
In and Out Burpies (gliders)
45 Seconds:
Push Ups
V-Sit Crunches
Allen Wells

Side Squat (Glider) (20)
Reverse Push Ups (12)
45 seconds of:
Superman with Twist
Elbows to Knees
Plank Weight Plate Pass

Single Leg Push Ups (10)
45 Seconds of:
Mountain Climbers (glider)
Side Crunch with Leg Lift Right
Side Crunch with Leg Lift Left
Hamstring Bridge with Leg Lifts

Challenge exercise: 3 point plank, taking it to normal plank and/or to knees when need. 2 times one minute with a 1 minute rest